Frequency North Presents: Sean Thomas Dougherty and January Gill O’Neil

March 13, 2014 @
Frequency North
420 Western Avenue
Albany, NY, 12203
United States

Thursday, March 13 @ 7:30
Standish Rooms
Events and Athletics Center (Second Floor)
420 Western Ave.
Albany, NT 12203
Free and open to the public

Sean Thomas Dougherty is the author or editor of 13 books including the forthcoming All I Ask for Is Longing: New and Selected Poems 1994-2014 (BOA Editions), Scything Grace (2013 Etruscan Press), Sasha Sings the Laundry on the Line (2010 BOA Editions) and Broken Hallelujahs (2007 BOA Editions).His awards include two PA Council for the Arts Fellowships in poetry and a Fulbright Lectureship for poetry to the Balkans.He currently works in a pool hall, and gives readings around the country.

January Gill O’Neil is the author of Underlife (CavanKerry Press, December 2009), and a forthcoming collection, Misery Islands (CavanKerry Press, fall 2014). Her most recent poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Rattle, Ploughshares, Sou’wester, and Paterson Literary Review. She is the executive director of the Massachusetts Poetry Festival and an assistant professor of English at Salem State University.

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